Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Volatility wil let those who missed the boat to get on board

Dollar has been fighting back, and if you had read all my post the decline in the stock market these two days was forewarn and investors if heeded my calls, should understand not to jump in just so yet, at least not when the coast is far from clear, a short term trade isn't painful if well planned, we just have to stick to PT and CL points, understand the level of losses one could take.

As the people are pushing for a bottom, Buffets buying spending approximately 12-15billion to date, does that mean it is over? Or is he just betting that all would be a bottom when the 7--billion pumps in to the system, i mean real estate marts are never a V recovery instrument, and you are not going to see confidence in a long period of time unless you start to see the bonds being upgraded, real estate being bought up ,long waiting list. Hell this chrismas could be worst as many have lost their savings to the bears, not to realise that inflation has also joined the eating spree in the wallet.

The rule is simple, back to basics people, since bonds, stocks can be downgraded, lifestyle have to be realistic and flexible, yes.. talk is cheap but its a even hard fact that u might have to face when the bills arrive, better cut it now and save some cash for later, the more persistent you are the worst things will get. Working is not that bad, its not like in malaysia where you get paid tiny weeny and work for long hours. I used to work 15-16 hours minimum a day and have worked 18-20 hour shift before the pay per hour is 5 ringgits or about1.20 dollar/hr.

Get a skill, this is the only thing i urge all, with a skill you'll be safe for life, combine that skill with entreprenuership, you'll make more than a living, entreprise your business later in life you get a millionaire, manage you entreprise well you'll get your billions. Martha Stewart was only good in cooking, and craft, but she was known for stock manipulation, wonderful business, and her ability to assimilate into trends of technology and entreprising her business into an online giant has made a strong comeback.

Take the big picture, global slowdown, selfish nations will care no one but themselves.

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